Investor relations
- Annual reports
Smartoptics Group AS (SMOP) Annual Report 2021
Smartoptics Group AS (SMOP) has today, April 26, 2022, published its annual report for 2021. The annual report was approved by the Board of Directors on April 25, 2022. The report is based on IFRS.
2021 was very significant year for Smartoptics with several key milestones achieved. Smartoptics is well under way to reaching our strategic objective to grow the company to become a recognized leader in Open optical Networking solutions. In 2021, we have received orders from- and delivered network solutions to larger customers than ever before, and we have established new partnerships with important stakeholders in our industry. The endorsement of our strategy from customers and partners is strong.
· Revenue of NOK 394 million (USD 45.9 million) and revenue growth in USD of 31.9%
· EBITDA margin of 13.6 % and EBIT margin of 10.1 %
· Release of new product family DCP-F and announcement of DCP-R product family
· Business with major US TowerCo ramped up during second half of year
· Growth in Communication Service Provider segment of 67% and Internet Content Provider of 54%
· Solutions business accounted for 58% of revenue, Services & Software 5% and Devices 37%
The annual report is also published at
For further information, please contact:
Magnus Grenfeldt
CEO Smartoptics
+46 73-366 88 77
Mikael Haag
CFO Smartoptics
Phone: +46 704 264 872
About Smartoptics
Smartoptics provides innovative optical networking solutions and devices for the new era of open networking. Our customer base includes thousands of enterprises, governments, cloud providers, Internet exchanges as well as cable and telecom operators. We have an open networking approach in everything we do which allows our customers to break unwanted vendor lock-in, remain flexible and minimize costs. Our solutions are used in metro and regional network applications that increasingly rely on data center services and specifications. Smartoptics is a Scandinavian company founded in 2006. We partner with leading technology and network solution providers such as Brocade, Cisco and Dell and have a global reach through more than 100 business partners.
For additional information about Smartoptics, please visit